Come riconoscere un ErinCondren falso.

Cari lettori, in questi giorni ricevo moltissimi messaggi con la richiesta del mio parere riguardo all’acquisto di inserti ErinCondren per l’agenda ad anelli (kikki k, filofax e Dokibook). 

Dovete prima di tutto tenere a mente che il Life Planner (così si chiama) del brand ErinCondren é solo ed esclusivamente un planner con spirale in acciaio della dimensione americana letter size. Non esistono in commercio versioni dell’EC planner per agenda ad anelli. 

Se vi piace però la impostazione verticale della settimana su due pagine e vi piace l’idea di decorare l’agenda con gli stickers disegnati per l’EC planner avete a disposizione due alternative. 

La prima alternativa é disegnare il vostro template per la Filofax A5 seguendo il mio tutorial qui, la seconda alternativa é acquistare dei printable che siano stati progettati per l’utilizzo degli EC stickers ( trovi un freebies qui, e altri miei design qui). 

State alla larga da chi sui social dichiara di rivendere l’EC planner per Filofax, perché davvero non esiste! 

Se volete un planner già stampato invece potete optare per : Sewmuchcrafting per le agende ad anelli, Happy Planner è Dokibook Discoagenda, 

Spero che questo articolo sia stato utile, e ricordatevi che domani sarà online il mio nuovo video. 


Toroko shop on etsy. Where is the hand made?

toroko shop notebook  production

Unlikely  for us, artigianate lovers, if we want to support hand made, we will find hard time. Today, I was checking my favorite stationary groups on fb and I saw a video from Toroko shop that was advertised by the fb group admin. Nothing new at this point, but when I went to see the video was clear to me that the shop wasn’t a creative propriety but more an industrial production. I was pretty surprised!

Then, I went back to etsy to check the rules and I saw that, as I thought, only hand made products can be sold on etsy platform.

As etsy costumer, I felts a bit of absence of respect since when I decide to go on etsy for my shopping I expect to buy something hand made and not the results of a mount chain. If I want an industrial product I can simply go in a stationary shop and purchase a moleskine notebook.

Not get me wrong, I respect the workers of Toroko shop but, in my opinion, them should have them own stand alone company, pay the right amount of taxes, and do not stay in a platform dedicated to help hand made and artigianate.

One industry can keep the cost lower than a small artigian and produce massive quantities of journal, notebook that when them arrive to market will be of course competitive respect the hand made one. This is unfear for the costumer, that think to purchase a cheaper hand made notebook or planner, and for the artigian, that can’t purpose the same object at the same lower price.

Of course, this is only my costumer opinion. What do you think about big companies selling them products on etsy? Do you also think that them shouldn’t be there? Let’s try to keep a peaceful discussion please 😉



Love love love HEXAgon … HEXAdex a new visual time tracker.

It was all week that I had in mind this design and I could’t wait to arrive at my free days for download the idea on paper.

I am speaking about a new time tracker with a honeycomb design. Yep! I finally come out with something that bind together my two loves : hexagons sand visual time tracking.

In the image you can discover the result of my creative mind. Schermata 2015-10-31 alle 12.19.27

What did you think about this new design? Did you like it?

Share with me your thoughts in a comment down below and share this post with your friend (#hexadex)

For start now to use HEXAdex on your planner download today your copy of the weekly spread for Traveler’s Notebook and Filofax in Personal size :




Quel piccolo “pretty” davanti a “planning”

Il pretty Planning è l’integrazione dell’arte classica dello scrapbooking all’interno della propria agenda/organizer. Nato negli US è diventato popolare grazie alla grande disponibilità di prodotti dedicati al Project life che già da tempo popolano gli scaffali dei grandi magazzini statunitensi. 

I divisori delle agende agende ad anelli sono stati sostituiti in breve tempo da riproduzioni degli stessi fatti ad arte, utilizzando la carta decorativa dello scrapbooking il cui costo è di granlunga lontano dall’economico. Qui è la, vengono inserite a scopo puramente decorativo le “carte” e, proprio come nel project Life, si dedica gran cura alla scelta di adesivi e nastri decorativi abbinati. 

Dal Giappone e dalla Corea la cultura manga si insinua tra le pagine dei calendari,  con l’impiego di piccoli disegni manga a mo di emoji. Questi ultimi vengono riprodotti  a mano con penna a sfera dai più dotati, oppure acquistati prestampati e tagliati da coloro i quali non hanno voglia o tempo da dedicare alla pratica dei doodle. 

Fin qui tutto bene, sempre e solo se, la parola Planning rimane presente e non viene sepolta e annientata dal pretty. Ci troviamo infatti davanti a pagine e pagine fotografate e postate su Instagram in cui non si vede una agenda usata e amata, ma più che altro un opera d’arte creata solo per mostrare le proprie possibilità economiche e le proprie capacità nel reperire le gigiate più succose del momento. 

L’agenda è, e deve essere, un mezzo per rimanere organizzati e produttivi. Certo qualche gigiata qui e lì fa piacere. Niente di male a usare sticky notes fatti a panda rispetto ai regolari post it, ma il pericolo di eccedere é dietro l’angolo, con grandi e gravi conseguenze al portafoglio. 

Si parla tanto di planner unicorn ma la verità è che un agenda é, e sempre sarà, della carta con una copertina. Per farla funzionare basta sedersi a pensare con l’agenda aperta e scriverci dentro …. prima di attaccarci il Washi tape. 

Prima “planning” poi “pretty”. 
Happy planning 



I am going to take a long break/Mi prendo un break

I am going to pick up a long break from the web. The reason is that I want to think about if make sense for me keep going this activity in my free time. Perhaps, maybe I should invest my time in other ways.

For now, I decide to remove all free contents and al my youtube videos.

Mi appresto a prendere una vacanza dal web. La ragione è che voglio pensare bene se vale la pena per me mantenere questa attività nel mio tempo libero. Magari dovrei investire il mio tempo in altri modi. Per adesso ho deciso di chiudere il mio canale così come rimosso tutti i contenuti gratuiti disponibili.

Three small “stuff” to keep in mind if you would like sell organizer refill on-line.

  1. Know the market is foundamental. Simple as it is. Subscribe to the major blogs about Organizer and check out the socials. There are a lot of insert designers and you don’t want to be similar to any of them. Know what is already around will make easier to understand If what do you have in your mind is already there. If you meet somebody with a similar idea don’t be shy. Contact him and try to create a partnership. Be coworkers it is always better than be competitors.
  2. A calendar is a table. oh yeah! It is only a table with numbers. Could be on a foldable page or on two pages, or in one single page … But still being a table. For this reason creating something 100% new is really difficult, perhaps close to impossible. Anyway, you can create your own table with your own style. Play with your mind and your taste. Move the size of elements, design special combinations of them and make your creation unique. Keep going until you feel happy with the results.
  3. Sell freebie contents from blogs is simply wrong. If you have ideas for implement an available system contact the blog owner. Purpose your ideas keeping in mind that the author can decide if gift you with the possibility to sell the modified version or denied the permission to use the source. When this is the case, respect the decision and go ahead. This is also mandatory if you have a copy shop and you would like to sell ready-to-use printed version of template available on-line.

if you are wondering to open an e-commerce this small post will help you on the process.

Share if you like it and subscribe.



Disclaimer : English is not my first language, perhaps spelling mistakes could be present inside my posts. I am currently doing my best for improve my grammar and my vocabulary. If you are British or American feel free to advise me how to improve my writing skills.

How to plan your month efficiently with the backward planning.

In your monthly view write:

  1. Important appointments to remember (Dr., bills, …)
  2. Birthdays;
  3. trips

NOTE : Remember to mark deadline!

Do not lose time writing specifics things for the event. Your monthly view it’s only for have in front of your eyes the big picture in order to understand what could be done in the month on the basis of the time that you already have.

For example, if you have a three-days trip in one week and an important dead line in the week after, probably it is a god idea plan some time for the project in the week before the trip, in order to have enough time and energy for complete the work in time. This planning techniques is named backward planning and it is particularly useful if you are a student.

The idea is spit big tasks (or goals) in smaller things that has to be done weekly (or daily) and assign to them to a specific time frame.

Perhaps, if you have nobody following you or your work, will be important that you establish some milestone for yourself. In that way will be easy to keep going small or big projects without jump in the procrastination hell. In fact, we usually have less problem in the “doing process” if somebody tell us “You have to do this until that day” since our mind understand “I have to do x for person y until the day z” but, if there is nobody telling us she will understand “I have to do x” and she will not give priority at the task itself at all.

Yes, I know. Psychology sometime sucks. Moreover if you have disturb like ADHD, your mind will be some like “I have to do x” and after 5 min “Oh, no, I should do y”. But this is another story …

In conclusion, keep your monthly spread more clean that you can!  Write only what it is important for your backward planning and try to enjoy the process. Go back at your monthly spread unless 2 times per week and keep it update.

And you? Are you currently using a monthly spread in your organiser? And how are you using it?

Let me know in a comment below!

Happy planning!
